As 2024 comes to a close, we are amazed by God’s faithfulness! Through your prayers and support, we’ve impacted many lives this year. Looking ahead, we’re excited about what 2025 holds for equipping the church for authentic worship! Will you consider a year-end donation of $25, $50, $100, $500 or more to support this vital work? Every amount helps!


To Give:


By Check:

Please make your check payable to Emmanuel Gospel Center, and put "Michael Dottin Ministries" in the memo section. All gifts are tax-deductible. Mail to:


Emmanuel Gospel Center
P.O. Box 240017
Dorchester, MA 02124


1. Go to
2. Add amount.
3. Select One Time.
4. Put Michael Dottin Ministries in the “For” field
5. Submit.


Thank you for your prayers and support!


Click HERE to learn how Emmanuel Gospel Center is sponsoring us.




Michael Dottin Ministries is on a mission to equip worship teams, liturgical dancers, and tech teams with the biblical teaching and training necessary to excel in their ministries. We believe that music and the arts have the power to touch hearts and transform lives, and we want to ensure that those who serve in these areas have the resources they need to do so effectively.


We are reaching out to you to consider helping us continue God’s work. Will you consider making a donation of $25, $50, $100, $500 or more today? We sincerely appreciate your prayerful consideration in coming alongside us. Whatever gift God would have you give; we appreciate your love and more importantly your prayers. Here’s how you can donate:

You can donate to us through Emmanuel Gospel Center (a non-profit organization that serves as our fiscal sponsor). Please make your check payable to Emmanuel Gospel Center, and put "Michael Dottin Ministries" in the memo section. All gifts are tax-deductible.


Mailing address:

Emmanuel Gospel Center
P.O. Box 240017
Dorchester, MA 02124

Credit/Debit Card
1. Go to

2. Add amount.
3. Select One Time.
4. Put Michael Dottin Ministries in the “For” field
5. Submit.


Click HERE to learn how Emmanuel Gospel Center is sponsoring us.

We Accept All Major Credit And Debit Cards

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© 2007 - 2021 Michael Dottin Ministries | Created by Michael Dottin